Pick Your Plan of Text to Speech
Pick Your Plan of Voice Cloning
Pick Your Plan of AI Music Generator
Pick Your Plan of AI Song Cover
Pick Your Plan of Unlimited Use
Where to use-
Unlimited Access
Vocal Remover
Quickly separate vocals from songs using AI-based technology
US/month -
Unlimited Access
Instrument Separator
Perfectly separate vocals, drums, piano, bass, and other instrument tracks
US/month -
Unlimited Access
Noise Removal
Remove background noise from audio and keep only the original human voice
US/month -
Unlimited Access
Echo Remover
Eliminate ambient echo from microphone or speech
US/month -
Unlimited Access
Voice Changer
Convert native voices to different characters
US/month -
Unlimited Access
AI Write
Help you write better content more easily
US/month -
Unlimited Access
AI Art Generator
Supports text-generated images and image-generated images
Compare plans above:
Text to Speech:
Characters | 500,000 |
Voice Clones | All 3200+ voices |
All 3200+ voices
Voice Cloning:
Voice clones | 6 |
Characters | 100,000 |
AI Song Cover:
Cover songs | Unlimited |
Voice Model Training | 2 |
AI Music Generator:
Songs created | 500 |
Voice Enhancer:
Duration | 150 minutes | 150 minutes | |
AI Dubbing:
Duration | 10 minutes |
10 minutes
Vocal Remover:
Removal times |
Speech to Speech:
Download | |||
Voice Changer:
Voices |
All premium & plus voices
Changed times |
AI Art Generator:
Gold coins |
Background Eraser:
BG Removal Times |
Watermark Remover:
Removal Times |
30-Day money back Guarantee
All of our products come with a 30-day money back guarantee.
Secure Purchase
Your personal info is well protected by our advanced encryption technology.
Professional Support
Our knowledgeable support team are always there to help you. One-to-one assistance.
Regular Updates
We will regularly update our services and make improvements based on feedback.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you cannot find an answer here, email support@topmediai.com.
1. Is it safe to purchase TopMediai's products?
- Rest assured, it's completely secure. Our website is fortified, ensuring your privacy with a 100% guarantee. Whether you're exploring our site, utilizing our products, or making an online order, we prioritize your protection.
2. What payment methods are supported?
- We accept major mainstream payment methods. You can choose one at your convenience. PayPal, UnionPay, JCB, Diners Club, Discover, American Express, VISA/MasterCard, Alipay, etc.
3. Can I cancel the subscription after purchase?
- Yes, you can cancel it anytime. Check here to read the guide.
4. How to apply the refund if I am not satisfied with the purchase?
- TopMediai provides a 30-day Money Back Guarantee. You could refer to here: https://www.topmediai.com/refund-policy/
5. How is TopMediai different from other ai online websites?
- TopMediai stands out from other ai online websites by offering specialized AI tools tailored for content creators, enhancing their efficiency and productivity.
6. Does TopMediai provide an API?
- Yes, for now, TopMediai provides several API services, including Text to Speech API, Voice Cloning API, AI Music Generator API, AI Song Cover Generator API, and Voice Changer API. More APIs are being planned, so stay tuned.